Monday, February 23, 2009


I met with a surface art representative over the weekend, Diane B. They specialize in surface art, sweater knit downs, antique textiles and embroideries. Now being 'renewed' to licensing and surface art, I had forgotten how much I enjoy the learning. For so long I have been doing custom work and haven't had to spend hours at the library researching bugs, or plants or airplanes. But after meeting with Diane B, I got to hop on down to the library and pour over stacks of books. I have books on the history of space exploration, wood shop tools, bugs of South Africa, desserts, and heavy machinery. I spent last night looking through them then doodling fun images. I love scanning the pages, love exploring the library stacks for just the right book. This is the fun part. Pencil on paper scratches, before they are anything. Just ideas, loose thoughts that have made it from inspiration to something more concrete. But not finished yet. Sometimes I end up loving the sketch more than the finished piece. I am so excited I just want to go get more books on more subjects. 

Next, the sorting after the art is drawn.

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